By Ian Tate and Ian Barker on behalf of SLH
“Our Place” by Mark Cocker
Behind the sub-title, “Can We Save Britain’s Wildlife Before It Is Too Late?”, lies a paradox presented at the outset — that we are, judging at least by membership of environmental organisations, the most nature-obsessed nation on earth whilst at the same time one of the most nature-depleted. Dangerously depleted. This superbly structured book encompasses the fascinating history of our leading environmental NGO’s, through case-studies describes the impact of agriculture, forestry and water provision on wildlife and in a concise and compelling last chapter addresses the impact of all this on us and how we respond. Described as, “a seriously great book” (Observer) and, “a magnificent work” (Sunday Times) I found this hard to put down, and I’m keeping my copy to read again!
“Linescapes. Remapping and Reconnecting Britain’s Fragmented Wildlife.” by Hugh Warwick
Expanding on his previous work on hedgehogs, Hugh Warwick (SLH AGM Speaker) travels across Britain to examine the importance of man-made links and connections for wildlife, both old (stone walls, hedges, canals) and more recent (motorways, pylons and pipelines). This very readable book (“Glorious – – – passionate, perceptive” Robert MacFarlane) is full of fascinating detail and sometimes surprising insights. As each chapter explores a self-contained “Linescape” it can be more “dipped into” than Mark Cocker’s work.
In search of REAL climate leadership — 2022 interview with Greta Thunberg & Kevin Anderson
From delay & despair to REAL hope & action — 2022 interview with Greta Thunberg & Kevin Anderson